Sunday, May 10, 2009

Tolteca's Revenge

By now, you know about James' obsession with this little family-owned Mexican restaurant in Azusa. You also probably read Tonya's account of the fake Tolteca Fire and her idea about canning their ultimate delicacy: salsa. (Or read about it here.) The canning apparently has been accomplished, but at quite a price! All I have to say is this: Tonya, when you reported that a fire had destroyed James' beloved restaurant, the Gods were out to get you!

Enjoy Tonya's recent email to James and me:

Primary Issue: We have a flat of canned salsa packaged and ready to be mailed. Will send ASAP. This is my first attempt at canning so if any jar arrives broken, cracked or leaking or if the seal does not pop when opened - the jar must be discarded. Enjoy!

Secondary Issue: I went to get the salsa after dropping Matt at home. Pulled up to the building and what do I see? The building is closed, abandoned and tagged beyond belief. It has been closed for so long that the only word that remains on the window is "closed". There rain, wind and taggers have eradicated the rest of the message. The interior is gutted. Weeds grow through the cement cracks. My only thought: OMG! I am sitting in a traffic lane not moving until a car horn behind me brings me back to my senses. Pull the car around the one-way block and park in front of the building. Now, I have my second thought: I was just kidding....Really, it was just a joke. It's my turn to breath, just breath and start problem solving. First step is calling information and see if there is a new number. I get the telephone number that actually connects and I breath in relief. Now on to the next set of problems: Kate is muddy and crabby. Ash is sleeping and covered in sticky strawberry juice. We are in Glendora. It's already late afternoon with rush-hour traffic. Mom is coming in two hours for dinner and to help me with canning. I will be driving to the new location that is who knows where.

Man answers the phone and I confirm that this is the same Tolteca that was located on Azusa Ave. Ask him to give me directions from the old location and tell him that I have a pen and paper ready. He laughs and laughs. I know that I'm doomed - he's going to tell that the new location is in Palm Springs, San Diego, Barstow or some other unreachable location at this hour. Then he gives me the instructions: Look up the road 100 yards on the left. You will see the 10ft tall letters spelling "Tolteca" in bold print. Parking is under the sign.


Here is the sign with the 10-foot tall letters. Hard to miss, eh?

The two pictures that follow depict two recent exploits at Tolteca. The first (with James in uniform) was taken immediately upon his arrival for R&R - it was the first place he wanted to go! The following picture was taken the last time James and I went to Tolteca, and it was the first visit that Zach and Matt made there together.

Learn more about Tolteca's rich history and glorious food. Or, check out pictures of the beautiful new location that Tonya had difficulty finding! Next time she goes there, perhaps she'd like some driving directions?

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