Thursday, April 2, 2009


Just a couple items of note...

Warner Insurance now stocks animal crackers. I guess Uncle Kirk decided it was time to diversify in this market. Actually Grandpa Frank takes Matt for a walk EVERY single morning and their usual route runs through downtown Glendora where they get to stop and visit Uncle Kirk. He's a softy and gives Matt his daily dose of animal crackers. Here is a pic of Uncle Kirk, Annie and Matt. The second pic is blurry but you can see Aunt Elloise in the back too.

Grandpa Frank has a new game with Matt. Matt lies on the ground and Grandpa Frank drags him across the carpet. We got to witness this last weekend. While Matt thought it was absolutely hilarious Tita was watching out for rug burns.

Zach showed off his new teeth to Matt. He now has four on top and two on the bottom. Since they are still tender, everything goes into his mouth. We watched to see if Zach would really show off his teeth by taking a bite out of Matt. But Matt is much larger than Zach and scared him away. Although Matt did seem to be pretty jealous, he did share his toys well.Lastly, Matt gave Loretta a black eye! Tita wouldn't let me take a picture of her though. She seems to be just fine. I guess Matt was a little overexcited about sharing his toys with Tita and decked her. But seriously, Matt is 1/3 of Tita's size. I think he'll be her full height by age 5. Maybe 6?

Just one more photo of Matt I couldn't resist...

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